Audio & Video Editing

Audio & Video Editing

Audio Editing

  • 1-4 episodes (30 min each)

  • Inserting Intro and Outro

  • Removing noise, hums, and clicks

  • Removing long pauses and mess-ups

  • Enhancing audio quality and clarity

  • Adding sound effects

  • Adding commercial breaks

  • 24-72hr turn around

For ongoing high-quality audio editing that will fit your needs schedule a call with us.

Video Editing

  • 1-4 episodes (30 min each)

  • Inserting Intro and Outro

  • Video cutting, and arranging

  • Video transitions, text, and captions

  • Color grading and correcting the video

  • Graphics and Effects

  • Audio Editing

For ongoing high-quality video editing that will fit your needs schedule a call with us.

Looking for monthly editing services? Schedule a call to discuss a price and services that best fits your needs.

Our Editing Content